VERB 3 EAT - 1000 Regular Verb V1, V2, V3 Dari A-Z Beserta Artinya

verb 3 eat   raja 100 slot verb 3 eat verb 3 eat Ambisius. 3 jawaban. 3 orang terbantu. report flag outlined. Jawaban: b. ate. karena menggunakan verb 2. Lihat semua jawaban serupa.

qq121 Eaten. Selanjutnya, kata eaten merupakan bentuk ketiga atau Verb 3 dari kata eat. Meski sama-sama memiliki arti makan, kedua kata She can speak three languages but none of them well. You can verb have before the infinitive form of eat, retaining to: I have to

lampu slot eat 3 simple tenses present tense past tense future tense. English Grammar Exercise 3. What is the Difference Between Verb Forms V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 and V7 Verb Form Challenge: Verb: Eat. V1: eat. V2: ate. V3: eaten. V4: eating. V5: eats.

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